Data Services Hosting

Business continuity assurance is just one reason to situate your core telephony and data assets in our secure facility

Private, secure WAN connectivity services are delivered via wired, fiber, and wireless transport. Robust and diversified high speed internet connectivity, coupled with a dynamic team of industry professionals, make choosing an imperative for your business

Founded in 1996, is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida. They have evolved as a multinational provider of network infrastructure services focusing on collocation, cloud computing and storage, and network transport and transit for education, finance, government, healthcare and other enterprise organizations as well as wholesale and carrier clients.

The company operates multiple enterprise-class data centers connected to an extensive fiber-optic backbone delivering Internet, MPLS and layer 2 communications using a wide array of last-mile options. It serves customers in most major metropolitan regions of North America as well as portions of Europe.

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